

jl.medien GmbH
Name of person authorized to represent company
Jürgen Läufer


Inselkammerstr. 11
82008 Unterhaching
Tel. +49 89 666166-10

Register entry

Munich, Register of Companies HRB 257321

Tax identification number

Tax ID: DE332488995

Liability and warranty

jl.medien GmbH provides information without assurances or guarantees of any kind, be it explicit or implied. All implied guarantees concerning the marketability, the suitability for certain purposes or the non-violation of laws and patents are also excluded. Even though we assume that the information we provide is correct, it may nevertheless contain errors or inaccuracies.

External references and links

In a judgement passed on May 12, 1998, the LG Hamburg ruled that those who use links on their website may share responsibility for the content on the linked website. According to the LG Hamburg, the only way to disclaim responsibility is to expressly distance oneself from the content of the websites in question. Our website features links to other Internet websites, but jl.medien GmbH has no influence on the content of those websites or its reliability. The following therefore applies to all links: “jl.medien GmbH has no influence on the design and content of third-party Internet websites. jl.medien GmbH therefore expressly distances itself from all content on all third-party Internet websites, even if the jl.medien GmbH website features links to these external sites.” This declaration applies to all links posted on our website and to all content at all websites reached via banners and links on our website.


Copyright 2024 jl.medien GmbH
All rights reserved. All texts, artwork, graphics, audio, video and animated files as well as their arrangements are subject to copyright and other laws on the protection of intellectual property. They may not be copied or altered for trade purposes or transmission or used on other websites.

Unterhaching, September 2024
jl.medien GmbH Media Services

Phone +49 89 666166-51